Monday, March 31, 2008

A Necessary Weekend

It is truly amazing what an early Friday dismissal from work can do for the rest of your weekend. Between the extra time to catch up on rest and more time at the gym, Saturday and Sunday found me far more relaxed and in control of my schedule than I can remember in many moons.

Each weekend morning, I exploited the agreeable morning weather for a walk to catch up on Radio Lab podcasts. These are so incredibly entertaining; I can’t rave about them enough. One live show in particular focused on the War of the Worlds radio hoax back in the ‘30’s – I can’t imagine a more interesting way to learn about what turned out to be a neat though unintended sociological experiment. Also unknown to me was that a Mexican radio station attempted to revive the hoax a few decades later…too well perhaps. The ensuing panic resulted in six deaths. Sad, yes, but if you want to go back to being happy, be sure to listen to the Laughter episode next. Passerby's on the street will certainly think you're crazy...

My work week will stand in stark contrast to the weekend—I am managing two sponsor projects for this month’s First Fridays event. Both require lots of hands-on-ness and I’m lighting a candle each evening requesting that Mother Nature not rain on this expensive parade (both figuratively and meteorologically—forecasts predict a precipitous doom).

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